Principals Message

Welcome to Fort Worth Adventist Junior Academy! I am excited to tell you about our school.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. I know the important decision you made in

bringing your child here. We are here to help your child grow spiritually, achieve academically and


We our a Seventh-day Adventist School that has been around since 1996. We have seen how

God has worked miracles in our school and brought us through. Each teacher here is dedicated to

ensuring each child has an encounter with Jesus daily, be it through morning prayer, Bible class or just

one-on-one. I have been a part of FWAJA for 11 years and I am proud to say I am a FWAJA Flame!

There are many ways for you to be involved in school. We are creating an active parent

association to help with several events that will be coming up throughout the school year. We have

different sports teams for our kids that need parent cheerleaders! We need field trip chaperones and

drivers! The list goes on.

Come on by and visit us here at school. Once you join us at FWAJA you are part of our family! I

pray for God’s richest blessings on you and your family.


Julie Quintana
